Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Submission Guidelines

As an interactive resource guide for developmental writing teachers, we invite you to submit writing assignments, textbook reviews, and guest posts. Please see the guidelines for each below.

SUBMIT: Writing Assignments

We want to serve as a repository for engaging, challenging, and rhetorical writing assignments. We ask that you submit the assignment as your students would see it, and include some brief reflections for fellow instructors.

Information to Include
  1. Brief assignment overview
  2. Assignment Category: Informal, Formal, or In-class Activity
  3. Specific Writing Requirements 
  4. Grading
  5. Teacher's Notes
See sample Assignment posts.

Email your assignment as a Word Document. Include in your email a brief author bio.

SUBMIT: Conversation Guest Posts

We welcome short personal essays and reflections about teaching and developmental education.

Topics may include pedagogy, classroom interactions, readings, assignments, conflicts, administration, committee work, service, tenure & promotion, program coordination, conference experiences, 

Word count: 750.
Email your guest post as a Word Document. Include in your email a brief author bio.

SUBMIT: Textbook Suggestions & Reviews

We welcome short textbook recommendations and reviews.

Information to Include:
  1. Publication information, including edition, price, and ISBN
  2. Kind of text: Rhetorics; Style Guides; Readers; Alternative; Other
  3. 500-750-word review
Email your textbook review as a Word Document. Include in your email a brief author bio.